My First Blog Post

August 10th, 2020

Woohoo!!!!!!!!! It's my first blog post!!!!!!

I guess I should tell you a little about myself.

So I'm a software developer from the US who likes to travel and do photography.

My official title at work is Lead Software Engineer.

I work with database managers, dev ops engineers, project managers, CI/CD developers, and other programmers on different projects for different clients.

Each project is different. I may work on a project to upgrade a client’s infrastructure for a few months and then my next project will be to build a front-end UI for a different client .

It’s always different and I like it that way. I get bored if things are the same everyday.

Most developers tend to specialize in one field but I like to change it up. I’ve worked as a database programmer, dev ops engineer, full stack web developer, application developer, and even helped with tech support and IT.

I’ve worked with with all kinds of different technologies like using React/AngularJS/Angular/ASP.NET for building websites or using Jenkins/Travis CI/Netlify to deploy those websites. I’ve worked different database technologies like MongoDB/Microsoft SQL Server/Oracle databases to store data for both websites and applications.

I’ve even been luckily enough to program laser markers and 3D printers at my last job.

I love programming. I love creating stuff using code.

I created this blog to share that joy with others.

My goals with this site is:

  • To help other developers become better developers
  • To show other developers tools they may not have been aware of
  • To help build up my skills by teaching other
  • To help become a better developer by researching topics for this blog
  • To inspire other to become programmers